Appropriate brain function is the key to learning, memory, cognition, and movement. As a result, dysfunctional brain can cause a variety of neurological disorders which have extremely burdened our society. Therefore, there is an emergent need for understanding the molecular basis of neuronal communication in the brain. Synaptic vesicle (SV) endocytosis is essential for neuronal communication. Different types of SV endocytosis are known to be elicited by different neuronal stimulations. However, how they are regulated and balanced remains unclear. Dr. Chi-Kuang Yao’s group used the fruit fly as the model organism and identified a Ca2+ channel (Fwe) as the important player in these regulations (Yao et al., PloS Biology, 2007). As shown in figure, this ion channel (Fwe) in response to different neuronal stimuli can utilize different properties to control distinct endocytosis (CME and ADBE). Hence, this work provides a new conceptual framework for how SV endocytosis can be sustained to keep our brain functional. In the future, finding the ways which can manipulate the activity of this channel may provide potential therapeutic strategies for neurological disorders.